Charlotte Atheists & Agnostics president Shawn Murphy appeared on an interfaith panel discussion at Queens University on October 24, 2013. These are some excerpts from that discussion.

On September 4, 2012, speakers from the Charlotte Atheists & Agnostics (CAA) took the stage at the city-approved demonstrators’ platform during the DNC. Despite the pouring rain and otherwise poor conditions and location, three members of CAA spoke about the importance of maintaining separation between religion and government. This part features CAA President Shawn Murphy. There is a slight gap toward the end. Please excuse the poor quality of this video. It wasn’t taken under ideal conditions.

This is from the same event as above and features CAA Member Piller Gregerson.

This is from the same event as the two above and features CAA vice-president Mary Snow.

More CAA related videos can be found HERE.